
27 mayo, 2009

A ver quién lee más en vacaciones

Traigo aquí este comienzo del artículo de Geoff Nicholson en The New York Times Book Review porque no puedo imaginar, ahora que llega el verano, nada tan divertido ni tan disparatado como un concurso del tipo de "a ver quién lee más en vacaciones":

Once, in my early teens, I competed with my best friend Rob to see who could read more in the course of the summer vacation. It wasn’t a subtle contest: the winner would be the one who devoured more pages. Matters of comprehension and artistic quality didn’t concern us. We didn’t tackle Proust; we needed something faster-paced than that. I hit upon the idea of reading science fiction short stories — pithy, easily digestible page turners, or so I thought.

El artículo completo, "Can't. Stop. Writing", se puede leer aquí.

Por cierto que Geoff Nicholson es el autor de "The Lost Art of Walking" (The History, Science, and Literature of Pedestrianism), o El arte perdido de pasear, un libro que tendría mucha curiosidad por leer. Nicholson describe pasear en Nueva York como "a risky activity, a form of combat, a struggle for dominance, sometimes a contact sport". (If any single idea is central to Mr. Nicholson's ramble through the lore of pedestrianism, it's this idea of walking as a method of discovery -- both of the world and one's own thoughts about it).

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