La crítica del libro que hizo The Sun (New York) se puede ver aquí.
Es un pequeño y delicioso relato de sus vivencias como corredor (Murakami ha corrido decenas de maratones y triatlones) escrito de una manera totalmente distinta a lo que hasta ahora -me cuenta mi amigo- estaban acostumbrados a leer los runners: manuales de entrenamiento escritos en lenguaje técnico-deportivo. Según él mimo explica "this is a book in which I've gathered my thoughts about what running has meant to me as a person". Tampoco lo hace para convencer a nadie, "a person doesn't become a runner because someone recommends it".
Pero Murakami es escritor y aunque habla de running lo hace trazando un paralelismo entre ambos procesos, el de correr y el de escribir, que me parecieron muy interesantes. Exerting yourself to the fullest within your individual limits: that's the essence of running, and a metaphor for life -and for me, for writing as well.
Y se refiere al talento como la cualidad más importante que debe tener un novelista. In every interview I'm asked what's the most important quality a novelist has to have. It's pretty obvious: talent. No matter how much enthusiasm and effort you put into writing, if you totally lack literary talent you can forget about being a novelist. This is more of a prerequisite than a necessary quality. If you don't have any fuel, even the best car won't run.
If I'm asked what the next most important quality is for a novelist, that's easy too: fous. [...] After focus, the next most important thing for a novelist is, hands down, endurance. [...] Fortunately, these two disciplines -focus and endurance- are different from talent, since they can be acquired and sharpened through training.
Correr y escribir: 10 kilómetros o relatos; maratones o novelas; un paso detrás de otro; una palabra detrás de otra; con paciencia, con esfuerzo.
El pequeño libro de un enorme escritor que sabe seducir.